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Help with homeschooling

Writer's picture: Spirit Soul SistasSpirit Soul Sistas

Create a positive learning experience with your children in these unsettling times.

Well! 2 weeks ago we did NOT see this coming - HOME SCHOOLING! Like many households around Australia & the world there has been a great deal of change & as much as it's affected us as adults we must also acknowledge how much it has impacted our children. For our 2 kiddos, "homeschooling" is a novel concept. They get to stay home all day & receive all of our undivided attention, play games & go to the park all day every day right?!!! Not quite... The reality is that with this dynamic there are two worlds merging & in this synergy we can expect there'll be flow, resistance, discomfort, challenges & fun! We are blessed to be in a unique position of having a teacher (D), a homely mother (Bri) & a hands-on & crafty father (Jason) to be able to share this educational journey with the children, so we've put a few things in place to help us work through these new circumstances & thought we'd share some tips along the way. In sharing we hope you too can benefit & create a positive learning experience with your children in these unsettling times. 🌠The first thing we need to realize is that home schooling is NOT the same as school. We can never recreate what happens in a classroom. Our home environment is not the same, so we need to create a rhythm that works for everyone. Children NEED rhythm as it creates safety & security & it benefits us too. We can consciously map out the times we need for our work & ourselves, alleviating our stresses & making us a whole lot more productive in the long run. 🌠Dedicate a specific place in your home for ‘school’ to take place. This helps a great deal with organization & minimises confusion in the home. Knowing where everything is kept & happening each day creates a sense of calm & helps children settle into their work with ease. 🌠The more positive, relaxed & in flow you are with yourself, the more you'll find your children are. They are constant mirrors reflecting back your energies, thoughts & feelings. 🌠Remember you can only do your best so work with WHAT you have and the TIME & resources you ALREADY have. However much or little you decide to do it's ok! Make it work for you & your kids. We're all in this together ❤

Love and warmth, Bri & D

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