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Is your relationship based on love?

Is your relationship based on love, or what you were taught it should be?

Perhaps its a bit of both?

Questions that we ask between the three of us, and of which the answer we come back to time and time again. Especially in times of challenge and uncertainty.

It has taken time and many open and difficult moments over the last (almost) 4 years to work through the layers of what we were taught we should be, how love should be and who we want to be.

But at the core of it, there is only one answer LOVE.

We have undeniably seen our fair share of challenges with our relationship being labelled as "unconventional" by most, and misunderstood by many more. But Love is the common language that can permeate the walls of confusion and fear in order for people to reach some kind of understanding.

Love has proven its power to us time and time again in being able to penetrate the worst of arguments and heighten the most joyous of moments.

On the rare occasion that we have been met with anger, outrage and peoples inability to accept or tolerate our life choices, love is the way that we hold onto our power. Because we know we have a choice in how to respond, and whilst love is more challenging it holds the greatest power of all.

But where did it all begin? It began with SELF love. The kind that means you follow your truth even if others can't see why. That flicker or spark so deep down that only truly ignites when you open enough to fan the flame. That deepened sense of knowing and trust enables communication to come from the heart, which in any relationship is the foundation for success and happiness.

So the invitation is to love more. Regardless of what others say, or what you think they will say. Bring along "loves" bestie's for the ride, compassion and forgiveness. With the whole crew you'll soon find that the party is so much more fun!

Thank you all for a space in which to so truthfully share these intimate parts of ourselves. We do so in the hope that love can be the choice you make for yourself always.

have you ever found yourself in a relationship that didn't meet others expectations?

We would love to hear from you

Love and warmth,

Bri and D


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